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1. A - a PP endix - P re - generated c H aracter s H eets

2. - Bardings - l IF stan , s O n OF l e I kn I r Your father was a smith. When you were a child, the sound of the hammer ringing in his forge was as music to your ears. One day, when the city of Dale was finally rebuilt and the entrance to the Lonely Mountain opened once again, your father brought you to see the forges of the Mountain- folk. There, you have seen the work of the dwarf-smiths of old, a treasure beyond what your imagination could dream up. From that day you haven’t stopped thinking about the vast hoards that lie unmolested in deep places beneath the mountains...

4. - Beornings - B eran OF t H e m O unta I ns You were born into a family of shepherds and hunters near the eastern edge of the Misty Mountains. Since you were a child you felt a great fascination for the high and snowy peaks, and spent most of your time climbing and looking for new paths over the mountains. After you met Beorn and embraced his cause, you chose to protect any friendly traveller that finds himself journeying through the mountain passes in these times of growing peril.

8. - e lves - of Mirkwood c arant HI r Many decades have passed since the last time you left the halls of your King to once again breathe the air of what used to be Greenwood the Great. In the hallowed silence of your underground dwelling you studied the lives of those who fought the darkness before your time, secretly hoping that you would return to see the Moon wane on a world already free from the Shadow. But your dreams were obviously just that, dreams. What was waiting for you was a place much darker than your King’s dusky palace, and it will take more than the red torch- light of your folk to cleanse Mirkwood once and for all. But you have resolved that you can be the light that chases away the shadows, and you will teach others how to do the same.

6. - d w arves - of t H e l onel y Mountain B el I When you were a child, your father went north to find the hoard of an ancient Dragon and never returned. In his absence, you honed your skills preparing to follow him on the road to adventure and now you think the day has arrived to take up the challenge: you are clever, well-equipped and without fear - you are ready to go and seek what secret treasures are still hidden in the remote corners of the world.

12. - w ood M en - of w ilderland t H e B r I de You were born west of the Great River, in one of the villages nearest the mountains. You were scarcely fifteen when you first saw him who would become your groom, at a folk-moot held at Mountain hall, in a time when the Orcs were sorely threatening your people. Only a few months later you moved across the river to be near him, as he was from the folk dwelling in the forest. As you waited for your wedding, you learned how to seek a prey among the trees, and your love for the hunt rivalled that for your future husband. One night, only a handful of days before your wedding-day, he left with a company of men from the village, refusing to bring you with him and giving no explanations. Only his faithful hound returned, grievously wounded. When the elders of the village saw the claw marks on the hound they shook their heads, speaking of the dreaded Beast of Mirkwood...

10. - Ho BB its - of t H e sH ire t r O tter You left your peaceful life in the Shire when you ran away to find Gandalf, the Conjuror, after he paid a visit to your family at your coming of age party. He tried to convince you to turn back, but as you stubbornly refused, he caught something in your eyes that convinced him to let you have your way. You spent many weeks with him, until he deemed you ready to find your own path. The dreams you had in the Shire are now your plans for the future: you want to light your broken- stemmed pipe in the halls of Beorn the Shapeshifter and walk side by side with the Wizard Radagast in the fenced garth of Rhosgobel, you want to visit the royal palace of Dale and see the throne of the King under the Mountain.

3. - r E W a r D s - ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ____________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Tower Shield (+2 par r y bonus against ranged attacks) Mail-shir t 12 Great Shield 5 - V i r T UE s - ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ - G E a r - Name: Lifstan, son of Leiknir Culture: Barding Standard of Living: Prosperous Cultural Blessing: Stout-hear ted (roll Feat die twice and pick best for Valour rolls) Calling: Treasure-hunter Shadow weakness Dragon-sickness - Trai T s - Specialities: old-lore, smith-craft Distinctive Features: adventurous, burglar y, hardy - a T T r i B UTE s - - COMMON s K i L L s - Awe   Inspire   Persuade   Athletics  Travel   Stealth   Awareness  Insight   Search   Explore   Healing  Hunting  Song   Courtesy   Riddle  Craft   Battle   Lore   - W E a p O N s K i L L s - (Swords)   Spear   Dagger   ________  ________  ________  Body Heart Wits Endurance H ope Fatigue Shadow Weary Miserable Wounded Armour Parry Damage Head gear Shield Ranged Experience Valour Wisdom - s K i L L G r O U p s - personality  movement  perception  survival  custom  vocation  favoured favoured favoured armour: enc headgear: enc shield: enc TM 2 1 5 7 7 8 2 5 5 2 3d 29 15 Rating Rating Total +3 ____________________ damage 5 edge 10 injury 16 enc 2 ____________________ damage 5 edge 9 injury 14 enc 2 ____________________ damage 3 edge A injury 12 enc 0 (Swords) Spear Dagger 21 weapon weapon weapon

11. Name: Trotter Culture: Hobbits of the Shire Standard of Living: Prosperous Cultural Blessing: Hobbit-sense (roll Feat die twice and pick best for Wisdom checks) Calling: Wanderer Shadow weakness: Wander ing-madness - Trai T s - Specialities: smoking, stor y-telling Distinctive Features: folk-lore, keen-eyed, tr ue-hear ted - a T T r i B UTE s - - COMMON s K i L L s - Awe  Inspire  Persuade   Athletics   Travel   Stealth   Awareness   Insight   Search   Explore   Healing  Hunting  Song   Courtesy   Riddle   Craft  Battle  Lore   - W E a p O N s K i L L s - Bow   Shor t sword   Dagger   ________  ________  ________  Body Heart Wits Endurance H ope Fatigue Shadow Weary Miserable Wounded Armour Parry Damage Head gear Shield Ranged Experience Valour Wisdom - s K i L L G r O U p s - personality  movement  perception  survival  custom  vocation  favoured favoured favoured TM 1 2 4 7 5 7 5 6 4 5 2d 21 17 11 Rating Rating Total +1 armour: enc headgear: enc shield: enc - r E W a r D s - ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Leather corset 8 Buckler 1 - V i r T UE s - Tough in the Fibre (fast recover y) ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ____________________ damage 5 edge 10 injury 14 enc 1 ____________________ damage 5 edge 10 injury 14 enc 1 ____________________ damage 3 edge A injury 12 enc 0 Bow Shor t sword Dagger - G E a r - weapon weapon weapon

9. Name: Caranthir Culture: Elves of Mirkwood Standard of Living: Mar tial Cultural Blessing: Folk of the Dusk (advantage at night, underground and when in woods) Calling: Scholar Shadow weakness Lure of Secrets - Trai T s - Specialities: Elven-lore, Mirkwood-lore Distinctive Features: Rhymes of Lore, secretive, quick of hear ing - a T T r i B UTE s - - COMMON s K i L L s - Awe   Inspire  Persuade  Athletics   Travel  Stealth   Awareness   Insight   Search  Explore  Healing   Hunting   Song   Courtesy  Riddle   Craft  Battle   Lore   - W E a p O N s K i L L s - (Spears)   Sword   Dagger   ________  ________  ________  Body Heart Wits Endurance H ope Fatigue Shadow Weary Miserable Wounded Armour Parry Damage Head gear Shield Ranged Experience Valour Wisdom - s K i L L G r O U p s - personality  movement  perception  survival  custom  vocation  favoured favoured favoured TM 2 1 6 8 2 5 6 7 6 6 1d 24 10 16 Rating Rating Total +4 armour: enc headgear: enc shield: enc - r E W a r D s - _______________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Great spear if fine make (Keen, Edge -1 included above) Leather shir t 4 Helm 6 - V i r T UE s - ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ____________________ damage 9 edge 8 injury 16 enc 4 ____________________ damage 5 edge 10 injury 16 enc 2 ____________________ damage 3 edge A injury 12 enc 0 (Spears) Sword Dagger - G E a r - weapon weapon weapon

7. Name: Beli Culture: Dwar ves of the Lonely Mountain Standard of Living: Rich Cultural Blessing: Redoubtable (subtract favoured Hear t to final Fatigue rating) Calling: Treasure-hunter Shadow weakness Dragon-sickness - Trai T s - Specialities: fire-making, tunnelling Distinctive Features: burglar y, cunning, suspicious - a T T r i B UTE s - - COMMON s K i L L s - Awe  Inspire   Persuade  Athletics   Travel   Stealth  Awareness   Insight  Search   Explore   Healing  Hunting  Song   Courtesy   Riddle   Craft   Battle   Lore  - W E a p O N s K i L L s - Mattock   Shor t sword   Dagger   ________  ________  ________  Body Heart Wits Endurance H ope Fatigue Shadow Weary Miserable Wounded Armour Parry Damage Head gear Shield Ranged Experience Valour Wisdom - s K i L L G r O U p s - personality  movement  perception  survival  custom  vocation  favoured favoured favoured TM 1 2 6 8 3 6 5 6 6 5 4d 31 11 Rating Rating Total +4 armour: enc headgear: enc shield: enc - r E W a r D s - ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Coat of mail 16 Helm 6 - V i r T UE s - Confidence (+2 Hope) ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ____________________ damage 8 edge 10 injury 18 enc 3 ____________________ damage 5 edge 10 injury 14 enc 1 ____________________ damage 3 edge A injury 12 enc 0 Mattock Shor t sword Dagger - G E a r - 20 weapon weapon weapon

13. Name: the Br ide Culture: Woodmen of Wilderland Standard of Living: Fr ugal Cultural Blessing: Woodcrafty (favoured Wits score as Par r y when in woods) Calling: Slayer Shadow weakness: Curse of Vengeance - Trai T s - Specialities: beasts-lore, leech-craft Distinctive Features: Enemy-lore (wolves), for thr ight, gr uff - a T T r i B UTE s - - COMMON s K i L L s - Awe   Inspire   Persuade  Athletics   Travel   Stealth   Awareness   Insight  Search  Explore   Healing   Hunting   Song   Courtesy  Riddle   Craft   Battle   Lore  - W E a p O N s K i L L s -   Spear   Dagger   ________  _______  ________  Body Heart Wits Endurance H ope Fatigue Shadow Weary Miserable Wounded Armour Parry Damage Head gear Shield Ranged Experience Valour Wisdom - s K i L L G r O U p s - personality  movement  perception  survival  custom  vocation  favoured favoured favoured TM 1 2 3 6 4 5 7 9 3 7 2d 24 16 14 Long-hafted axe Rating Rating Total +1 armour: enc headgear: enc shield: enc - r E W a r D s - ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Leather corset 8 Buckler 1 - V i r T UE s - Hound of Mirkwood (a faithful companion) ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ___________________ damage 5 (1h), 7 (2h) edge A injury 18 (1h), 20 (2h) enc 3 ___________________ damage 5 edge 9 injury 14 enc 2 ___________________ damage 3 edge A injury 12 enc 0 Long-hafted axe Spear Dagger - G E a r - weapon weapon weapon

5. Name: Beran of the Mountains Culture: Beor ning Standard of Living: Mar tial Cultural Blessing: Fur ious (ignores the effects of Wear iness when Wounded) Calling: Warden Shadow weakness Lure of Power - Trai T s - Specialities: Anduin-lore, mountaineer Distinctive Features: gr im, Shadow-lore, tr usty - a T T r i B UTE s - - COMMON s K i L L s - Awe   Inspire   Persuade   Athletics   Travel   Stealth   Awareness   Insight   Search   Explore   Healing   Hunting   Song   Courtesy  Riddle   Craft   Battle   Lore  - W E a p O N s K i L L s - (Axes)   Spear   Dagger   ________  ________  ________  Body Heart Wits Endurance H ope Fatigue Shadow Weary Miserable Wounded Armour Parry Damage Head gear Shield Ranged Experience Valour Wisdom - s K i L L G r O U p s - personality  movement  perception  survival  custom  vocation  favoured favoured favoured TM 2 1 6 9 4 5 4 6 6 4 2d 28 12 Rating Rating Total armour: enc headgear: enc shield: enc - r E W a r D s - _______________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Splitting Axe (If roll a A on the Feat die, the target rolls one Success die less for its Protection test) Leather Corset 8 - V i r T UE s - ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ____________________ damage 9 edge A injury 20 enc 4 ____________________ damage 5 edge 9 injury 14 enc 2 ____________________ damage 3 edge A injury 12 enc 0 (Axes) Spear Dagger - G E a r - 14 weapon weapon weapon


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