RPG Research Repository
The world's largest and longest running free and open repository on the effects of role-playing games
Since 1977: Our founder began using role-playing games in 1977, developing software since 1979 (including ERPGs), researching the effects of all RPG formats since 1983, providing RPGs in educational settings and for educational goals since 1985, for incarcerated populations since 1989, for therapeutic programs and goals since 2004.
Online since 2004: Since 2004 we have been providing the world's largest free and open repository of information about the effects of role-playing games.
We are still migrating our several repository servers into one location. This includes around 10,000 content items scattered across 4 different servers. We have a team of dedicated volunteer archivists now helping with this huge task. During this lengthy process, while the content is still on the older servers, here are the links for the different repositories. We apologize for the scattered mess, and appreciate your patience as we get this all moved to a single useful location.
Oldest repository (1979 - 2017) www2.rpgresearch.com
2nd oldest repo (2017-2020) w3.rpgresearch.com
(currently broken, downgraded from Odoo 13 to 12 due to stability problems) 3rd oldest repo (2018-2020) e.rpgresearch.com (only online manually as we continue transition, mostly offline)
Newest/future repo (2020+) catalog.rpgmuseum.org (not yet ready for public access)