RPG Community Center TODO

This page contains photos and lists of what we need to do to get the RPG Community Center ready and improved.

Building A is the old single-story house on the corner of 101 N. Stone St.

Building B is the 2-story building built in 1998 (but unfinished).

Below are pics from Building A Starting from front of building working toward rear.

Pic 1 and Pic 2 are exterior shots.

Pic 3 is enclosed entryway in front shot from the side (facing south)

Pic 4 is Room 1 (first on left as you enter).

Pic 5 is Room 2 (first on right as you enter)

Pic 6 is Room 3 (second on left as you enter).

Pic 7 is Room 4 (second on the right as you enter)

Pic 8 is bathroom

Pic 9 is kitchenette and rear exit area (facing south for shot),

Below are pics from Building B