RPG Player & GM Trainee

Level 4 Checklist

Typical Training Schedule in a 4-hour weekly session:

  • Title

  • Topics Summary

  • Course Numbers

  • Attendance & administrative check-in 15 minutes before session start. (check on community hours, etc.)

  • Baseline Quiz

  • Administrative Topics

  • Tips, Tricks, Tools

  • Applied Gaming Part 1 (total 2.75 - 3.0 hours applied gaming between parts 1 and 2)

  • Theory, Lecture, & Discussion 

  • Applied Gaming Part 2

  • Weekly Quiz

  • TR Quiz (Therapeutic Recreation professionals and students, random CTRS test questions)

  • Weekly “Homework” Assignments

  • Attendance check-out

  • References & Links

  • Notes

You may also want to view:


Training Weeks Overview

Title: Introduction & Getting Started Part 1

Topics Summary: Introduction to the RPG Research Web platforms, administrative and technical setup. Code of Conduct. Hygiene & Sanitation.  Intro to RPG Model. Interactive Fiction books play through.

Course Numbers: 

  • RPG-xxxx-xxxx - ___________


Attendance & Administrative Check-in 15-minutes before session start time. (Community hours, training progress check, other admin issues as needed)

If you have already been through this week as a Level 2 Player Trainee, then contact the instructor the week before this session is schedule to offer to run the Applied Gaming portion as a Level 2 GM Trainee. All GM Trainees are required to run the Applied Gaming section for this week as part of your requirements to receive your diploma. You may not take the Level 2 GM final exam until these GM session requirements are complete.

Baseline Quiz

Administrative Topics: 

Trainees and other participants must check-in 15-minutes before the session start time.

The first session begins with a number of administrative topics that must be addressed before the rest of the training can commence.

If you have already been through this session as a Level 1 Player Trainee, contact the instructor before this session is scheduled to offer to run the Applied Gaming portion as a Level 1 GM Trainee. All GM Trainees are required to run the Applied Gaming section for this session as part of their requirements to receive a Level 1 Game Master diploma. You may not take the Level 1 GM final exam until these GM session requirements are complete.

Make certain everything in the following list is discussed and that you know where to find all of the referenced resources. 

Tips, Tricks, & Tools:

Applied Gaming Part 1: SAB 

Theory, Lecture, & Discussion:

Earning Diploma Levels.Applied Gaming Part 2: SAB2

Weekly Quiz

TR Quiz

Weekly Homework assignment(s):

  • Remember to sign up for helping "give back" to the community at least two 4-hour sessions per month. These hours are required to be completed before you may take the final exam for your diploma. This means as a player for a training GM, helping with our online or in-person community programs, or other methods as approved by your mentor/coach/supervisor.

  • Complete all paperwork.

  • Verify all logins work correctly

  • Participate in at least one of our chatroom by saying hello and introducing yourself.

Attendance checkout




Topics Overview:

  • __________

Course Numbers: 

  • RPG-0xxx-xxxx - 

Attendance & Administrative Check-in 15-minutes before session start time. (Community hours, training progress check, other admin issues as needed)


Baseline Quiz

Administrative Topics: 

  • Did you do your homework during the week? Did you post your comments.

  • Lecturer’s check-in 30 minutes before broadcast/session. 

  • Participants/students/trainees check-in 15-minutes before session start time.

  • Attendance & Administrative Check-in 15-minutes before session start time. (Community hours, training progress check, other admin issues as needed)


Tips, Tricks, & Tools:


Applied Gaming Part 1: 

  • SAM - 

Theory, Lecture, & Discussion:

Applied Gaming Part 2:

  • SAM -  

Weekly Quiz

TR Quiz

Weekly Homework assignment(s):

  • Remember to sign up for helping "give back" to the community at least two 4-hour sessions per month. These hours are required to be completed before you may take the final exam for your diploma. This means as a player for a training GM, helping with our online or in-person community programs, or other methods as approved by your mentor/coach/supervisor.

  • Participate in our chatrooms in at least 2 separate conversations with other volunteers. 

Attendance checkout



Title: _____________

Topics Summary:

  • ________

Course Number(s):

  • RPG-101-xxxx 

Attendance & Administrative Check-in 15-minutes before session start time. (Community hours, training progress check, other admin issues as needed)


Tips, tricks, and tools:

  • __________

Applied Gaming Part 1:

  • BECMI 4 - B10 part 1

Theory Topic(s): _____________

  • _____________

Applied Gaming Part 2:

  • BECMI 4 - B10 part 2

Weekly Quiz

TR Quiz 

Weekly Homework assignment(s):

  • Remember to sign up for helping "give back" to the community at least two 4-hour sessions per month. These hours are required to be completed before you may take the final exam for your diploma. This means as a player for a training GM, helping with our online or in-person community programs, or other methods as approved by your mentor/coach/supervisor.

  • If you have not completed the second solo adventure in the BECMI players handbook, you will want to borrow one of our physical copies, or purchase the PDF for $5 from drivethrurpg.com (Basic D&D BECMI Players Manual 1983 Frank Mentzer), and then complete that solo adventure. If your character dies, follow the instructions for resuming and finishing it.

  • Discuss your experience with fellow volunteers in our chatroom with at least one posting and one response to someone else's posting.

Attendance checkout



Title: ______________

Topics Summary: 

Course Number(s):

  • RPG-0xxx-xxxx - ___________

Attendance & Administrative Check-in 15-minutes before session start time. (Community hours, training progress check, other admin issues as needed)


Baseline Quiz

Admin topics: None

Tips, Tricks, & Tools

Applied Gaming Part 1: 

  • BECMI 4 - B10 part 3

Theory, Lecture, & Discussion Topic(s): 

Applied Gaming Part 2: 

  • BECMI 4 - B10 part 4

Weekly Quiz

TR Quiz

Weekly Homework assignment(s):

  • Remember to sign up for helping "give back" to the community at least two 4-hour sessions per month. These hours are required to be completed before you may take the final exam for your diploma. This means as a player for a training GM, helping with our online or in-person community programs, or other methods as approved by your mentor/coach/supervisor.

  • Discuss your experience with today's lecture and/or applied gaming with at least one posting in our chatroom, and at least one response to someone else's posting.

Attendance checkout




Topics Summary: 

Course Number(s):

  • RPG-0xxx-xxxx - _______

Attendance & Administrative Check-in 15-minutes before session start time. (Community hours, training progress check, other admin issues as needed)


Baseline Quiz

Admin topics: None

Tips, Tricks, & Tools

  • ___

Applied Gaming Part 1: 

  • BECMI 4 - B10 part 5

Theory, Lecture, & Discussion Topic(s): 

  • ______________

Applied Gaming Part 2:    

  • BECMI 4 - B10 part 6

Weekly Quiz

TR Quiz

    Weekly Homework assignment(s):

    • Remember to sign up for helping "give back" to the community at least two 4-hour sessions per month. These hours are required to be completed before you may take the final exam for your diploma. This means as a player for a training GM, helping with our online or in-person community programs, or other methods as approved by your mentor/coach/supervisor.

    • Create an account on one of the free VTTs, and experiment with the features for at least 1 hour.

    • If your group ran out of time (or TPK'd) before you could get to the dungeon, and explore at least 5 rooms in the dungeon under the keep (rooms are created by the DM based on guidelines in the DM's Manual), then use the chatroom to schedule a time you can all get together to finish the adventure, with one of you taking over to DM the remaining amount (if not already the DM).

    • Make at least 1 posting about your training or applied gaming session from this week in our chatroom, and provide at least one comment to someone else's posting.

    Attendance checkout



    Title: ________

    Topics Summary: ___________

    Course Number(s):

    • RPG-0xxx-xxxx - ___________________

    Attendance & Administrative Check-in 15-minutes before session start time. (Community hours, training progress check, other admin issues as needed)


    Baseline Quiz

    Admin topics: None

    Tips, Tricks, & Tools

    • __________

    Applied Gaming Part 1: 

    • Paranoia (old)

    Theory, Lecture, & Discussion Topic(s): 

    • __________

    Applied Gaming Part 2

    • Paranoia (old)

    Weekly Quiz

    TR Quiz

    Weekly Homework assignment(s):

    • Remember to sign up for helping "give back" to the community at least two 4-hour sessions per month. These hours are required to be completed before you may take the final exam for your diploma. This means as a player for a training GM, helping with our online or in-person community programs, or other methods as approved by your mentor/coach/supervisor.

    • Watch the following videos on_________

    • Video 1:

    • Video 2: 

    • Video 3: 

    • Remember the final exam will have questions on the content in these videos not included in the lecture.

    Attendance checkout




    Topics Summary:

    • __________

    Course Number(s):

    • RPG-0xxx-xxxx - ________

    Attendance & Administrative Check-in 15-minutes before session start time. (Community hours, training progress check, other admin issues as needed)


    Baseline Quiz

    Admin topics: None

    Tips, Tricks, & Tools

    Applied Gaming Part 1: 

    • Paranoia (new)

    Theory, Lecture, & Discussion Topic(s): 

    Applied Gaming Part 2: 

    • Paranoia (new)

    Weekly Quiz

    TR Quiz

      Weekly Homework assignment(s):

      • Remember to sign up for helping "give back" to the community at least two 4-hour sessions per month. These hours are required to be completed before you may take the final exam for your diploma. This means as a player for a training GM, helping with our online or in-person community programs, or other methods as approved by your mentor/coach/supervisor.

      • Using an audio/video recording tool of choice, record at least one (if a level one player trainee), or two (if a level one GM trainee) distinctively different voices applying the 8 variables. Make sure you have written down all 8 variables for each voice.

      • When you have finished, send the recording link to your mentor/supervisor/coach for verification that you completed the assignment (And to receive associated badges).

      • Post in our chatroom(s)at least one comment on your experiences of this week's training.

      • Also respond to someone else's comment (at least one).

      • Download the free BFRPG Core Rulebook (third edition).

      • Find and download the BFRPG Accessible Character Sheet by Hawke Robinson.

      Attendance checkout



        Title: ____________

        Topics Summary: 

        Course Number(s):

        • RPG-0xxx-xxxx - _________

        Attendance & Administrative Check-in 15-minutes before session start time. (Community hours, training progress check, other admin issues as needed)


        Baseline Quiz

        Admin topics:

        • None

        Tips, Tricks, & Tools


        Applied Gaming Part 1: 

        • Serenity

        Theory, Lecture, & Discussion Topic(s): 

        Applied Gaming Part 2: 

        • Firefly

        Weekly Quiz

        TR Quiz

          Weekly Homework assignment(s):

          • Remember to sign up for helping "give back" to the community at least two 4-hour sessions per month. These hours are required to be completed before you may take the final exam for your diploma. This means as a player for a training GM, helping with our online or in-person community programs, or other methods as approved by your mentor/coach/supervisor.

          • Post in our chatroom(s)at least one comment on your experiences of this week's training.

          • Also respond to someone else's comment (at least one).

          Attendance checkout



            Title: ___________

            Topics Summary: _________

            Course Number(s):

            • RPG-0xxx-xxxx - _____________

            Attendance & Administrative Check-in 15-minutes before session start time. (Community hours, training progress check, other admin issues as needed)


            Baseline Quiz

            Admin topics

            Tips, Tricks, & Tools


            Applied Gaming Part 1:  

            • Midnight Chronicles d20 3.x

            Theory, Lecture, & Discussion Topic(s): 


            Applied Gaming Part 2: 

            • Midnight Chronicles d20 3.x

            Weekly Quiz

            TR Quiz

              Weekly Homework assignment(s):

              • Remember to sign up for helping "give back" to the community at least two 4-hour sessions per month. These hours are required to be completed before you may take the final exam for your diploma. This means as a player for a training GM, helping with our online or in-person community programs, or other methods as approved by your mentor/coach/supervisor.

              • Post in our chatroom(s)at least one comment on your experiences of this week's training.

              • Also respond to someone else's comment (at least one).

              • Download a free copy of the pre-game consent tool from Monte Cook Games.

              • Watch/re-watch the 10 minute lecture video on Flow and RPGs by Hawke Robinson on Youtube. Contact your coach/mentor/supervisor when you have completed watching this video.

              • TO PREPARE FOR NEXT WEEK'S SESSION, IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND THE STUDIO IN PERSON TO BORROW ONE OF OUR LAPTOPS, YOU NEED TO PURCHASE AND DOWNLOAD NeverWinter Nights: Enhanced Edition from Steam (you do not need the full bundle, though you are welcome to if you wish). If you can install this on Windows or Linux you will be able to use the more advanced tools later in your training. Installing on Mac OS will allow you to play, but be problematic using any of the other tools. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE STEAM VERSION. YOU WILL NEED THIS WORKING BEFORE YOUR TRAINING SESSION STARTS NEXT WEEK!

              • If you are having trouble getting NWN:EE installed, feel free to post in our chatroom and others can help you resolve any issues or answer questions you may have. If nobody there can help, feel free to contact your coach/mentor/supervisor.

              Attendance checkout




                Topics Summary:

                Course Number(s):

                • RPG-0xxx-xxxx - ________

                Attendance & Administrative Check-in 15-minutes before session start time. (Community hours, training progress check, other admin issues as needed)


                Baseline Quiz

                Admin topics: 

                Tips, Tricks, & Tools

                Applied Gaming Part 1:

                • Cryptomancer

                Theory, Lecture, & Discussion Topic(s): 

                • Cryptomancer

                Applied Gaming Part 2: 

                Weekly Quiz

                TR Quiz

                  Weekly Homework assignment(s):

                  • Finish playing all the way through Prelude during the week. Need to have completed it before next week's session. Next week's session is group play "no person left behind" nightmare level multiplayer. If any PC dies, then the whole group has to start Chapter one all over again.

                  • Remember to sign up for helping "give back" to the community at least two 4-hour sessions per month. These hours are required to be completed before you may take the final exam for your diploma. This means as a player for a training GM, helping with our online or in-person community programs, or other methods as approved by your mentor/coach/supervisor. 

                  • Post in our chatroom(s)at least one comment on your experiences of this week's training. 

                  • Also respond to someone else's comment (at least one).

                  • Select and install one of the ARPGs demonstrated (or feel free to try out others) on your device of choice, and play the ARPG for at least one hour.

                  • Post a comment on your experience with the ARPG you played. And comment on someone else's post on the same topic.

                  Attendance checkout



                    Title: _____________

                    Topics Summary:  _________

                    Course Number(s):

                    • RPG-0xxx-xxxx - ________

                    Attendance & Administrative Check-in 15-minutes before session start time. (Community hours, training progress check, other admin issues as needed)


                    Baseline Quiz

                    Admin topics: None

                    Tips, Tricks, & Tools


                    Applied Gaming Part 1: 

                    • Dragon Age

                    Theory, Lecture, & Discussion Topic(s): 

                    Applied Gaming Part 2: 

                    • Dragon Age

                    Weekly Quiz

                    TR Quiz

                      Weekly Homework assignment(s):

                      • Remember to sign up for helping "give back" to the community at least two 4-hour sessions per month. These hours are required to be completed before you may take the final exam for your diploma. This means as a player for a training GM, helping with our online or in-person community programs, or other methods as approved by your mentor/coach/supervisor.

                      • Post in our chatroom(s)at least one comment on your experiences of this week's training.

                      • Also respond to someone else's comment (at least one).

                      Attendance checkout




                        Topics Summary:

                        Course Number(s):

                        Attendance & Administrative Check-in 15-minutes before session start time. (Community hours, training progress check, other admin issues as needed)


                        Baseline Quiz

                        Admin topics:

                        • None

                        Tips, Tricks, & Tools


                        Applied Gaming Part 1:  

                        • Red Dwarf

                        Theory, Lecture, & Discussion Topic(s): 


                        Applied Gaming Part 2: 

                        • Demon Hunters

                        Weekly Quiz

                        TR Quiz

                          Weekly Homework assignment(s):

                          • Remember to sign up for helping "give back" to the community at least two 4-hour sessions per month. These hours are required to be completed before you may take the final exam for your diploma. This means as a player for a training GM, helping with our online or in-person community programs, or other methods as approved by your mentor/coach/supervisor.

                          • Post in our chatroom(s)at least one comment on your experiences of this week's training.

                          • Also respond to someone else's comment (at least one).


                          Attendance checkout




                            Topics Summary: ________

                            Course Number(s):

                            Attendance & Administrative Check-in 15-minutes before session start time. (Community hours, training progress check, other admin issues as needed)


                            Baseline Quiz

                            Admin topics:

                            • None

                            Tips, Tricks, & Tools

                            Applied Gaming Part 1: 

                            • Mechwarrior TRPG

                            Theory, Lecture, & Discussion Topic(s): 

                            Applied Gaming Part 2: 

                            • Mechwarrior TRPG

                            Weekly Quiz

                            TR Quiz

                              Weekly Homework assignment(s):

                              • Remember to sign up for helping "give back" to the community at least two 4-hour sessions per month. These hours are required to be completed before you may take the final exam for your diploma. This means as a player for a training GM, helping with our online or in-person community programs, or other methods as approved by your mentor/coach/supervisor. 

                              • Post in our chatroom(s)at least one comment on your experiences of this week's training. 

                              • Also respond to someone else's comment (at least one).

                              • Watch the movie/video "The Gamers", for fun, but this is required viewing, and there are test questions on the movie.

                              • Watch the movie/video "The Gamers: Dorkness Rising", for fun, but this is required viewing, and there are test on the movie. Also required to have already watched it all the way through before one of the upcoming training week's lecture/discussion.

                              Attendance checkout




                                Topics Summary: 

                                Course Number(s):

                                Attendance & Administrative Check-in 15-minutes before session start time. (Community hours, training progress check, other admin issues as needed)


                                Baseline Quiz

                                Admin topics: None

                                Tips, Tricks, & Tools

                                Applied Gaming Part 1:

                                • World of Darkness / Vampire TRPG

                                Theory, Lecture, & Discussion Topic(s): 


                                Applied Gaming Part 2: 

                                • World of Darkness / Vampire TRPG

                                Weekly Quiz

                                TR Quiz

                                  Weekly Homework assignment(s):

                                  • Remember to sign up for helping "give back" to the community at least two 4-hour sessions per month. These hours are required to be completed before you may take the final exam for your diploma. This means as a player for a training GM, helping with our online or in-person community programs, or other methods as approved by your mentor/coach/supervisor. 

                                  • Post in our chatroom(s)at least one comment on your experiences of this week's training.

                                  • Also respond to someone else's comment (at least one).

                                  Attendance checkout



                                    Title: ___________

                                    Topics Summary: _________

                                    Course Number(s):

                                    Attendance & Administrative Check-in 15-minutes before session start time. (Community hours, training progress check, other admin issues as needed)


                                    Baseline Quiz

                                    Admin topics: None

                                    Tips, Tricks, & Tools

                                    Applied Gaming Part 1: 

                                    • World of Darkness / Vampire TRPG part 3

                                    Theory, Lecture, & Discussion Topic(s): 

                                    Applied Gaming Part 2: 

                                    • World of Darkness / Vampire TRPG part 4

                                    Weekly Quiz

                                    TR Quiz

                                      Weekly Homework assignment(s):

                                      • Remember to sign up for helping "give back" to the community at least two 4-hour sessions per month. These hours are required to be completed before you may take the final exam for your diploma. This means as a player for a training GM, helping with our online or in-person community programs, or other methods as approved by your mentor/coach/supervisor.

                                      • Post in our chatroom(s)at least one comment on your experiences of this week's training.

                                      • Also respond to someone else's comment (at least one).

                                      • Download a copy of the basic participant RPG session feedback form.

                                      • Download a copy of the Enhanced D&D 5e PC Creation Checklist by Hawkes-Robinson.

                                      Attendance checkout



                                        Title: _________________

                                        Topics Summary: __________________

                                        Course Number(s):

                                        • RPG-0xxx-xxxx - ________

                                        Attendance & Administrative Check-in 15-minutes before session start time. (Community hours, training progress check, other admin issues as needed)


                                        Baseline Quiz

                                        Admin topics: None

                                        Tips, Tricks, & Tools:


                                        Applied Gaming Part 1:

                                        • World of Darkness / Vampire Larp

                                        Theory, Lecture, & Discussion Topic(s): 


                                        Applied Gaming Part 2: 

                                        • World of Darkness / Vampire Larp

                                        Weekly Quiz

                                        TR Quiz

                                          Weekly Homework assignment(s):

                                          • Remember to sign up for helping "give back" to the community at least two 4-hour sessions per month. These hours are required to be completed before you may take the final exam for your diploma. This means as a player for a training GM, helping with our online or in-person community programs, or other methods as approved by your mentor/coach/supervisor.

                                          • Post in our chatroom(s)at least one comment on your experiences of this week's training.

                                          • Also respond to someone else's comment (at least one).

                                          • If not enough time for this group to finish the Saltmarsh adventure, then group will need to coordinate to meet on their own schedule to finish the adventure.

                                          • Final Project Practicum Assignment for Level 1 Players: Write a 2 to 3 page essay summarizing the topics you have learned in this program that enhances your experience as a player and what you plan to do going forward. (must do this even if also finalizing GM exam at the same time)

                                          • Final Project Practicum Assignment for Level 1 GMs: Write a 3 to 5 page essay summarizing the topics you have learned in this program that enhances your experience and capabilities as a Game Master, and what you plan to do going forward.

                                          • Contact your coach/mentor/supervisor  to verify you have met all requirements to take the final exam. If you have not met all requirements, make a note of what still needs to be completed, and plan out schedule meeting those remaining requirements.

                                          • Take all of the online quizzes for all 16 weeks (require 100% for each week in order to move on to the next week) (open book). (should be available to current trainees by end of November 2020) - courses.rpg.education

                                          • Pass the voicing test at the end of this session! This is required in order to meet final exam requirements, trainees will be required to re-perform the voices they have created in previous session using their cards (or other storage medium). It is required as part of receiving their diploma.

                                          • Once all requirements are met, contact your mentor/coach/supervisor for them to register you for the appropriate final exam.

                                          • Take the final exam (closed book, monitored/proctored). Random assortment of 160 questions (10 per week) from the level 1 database of more than 500 questions. Must receive at least a 90% score on the final exam to receive your diploma. If you do not get a passing grade on the final exam, there is a one week minimum delay before you may retake the exam. You may retake the exam as many times as needed until you pass. (should be available to current trainees by end of December 2020). courses.rpg.education

                                          • Once you meet all requirements and pass your final exam, inform your coach/mentor/supervisor, and they will begin the process of getting you a digital and mailed physical copy of your Level One RPG Player Diploma, and/or your Level One RPG Game Master Diploma.

                                          Attendance checkout

