Public Channel / RPG Character Sheet

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29. Name: Age: Fear: Motivation: Flaws: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Cool Under Pressure Easygoing Gross Heroic Intuitive Loyal Lucky Prepared Protective Quick Healing Rebellious Skilled At: Tough Treasure Hunter Unassuming Wealthy You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

26. Child Name: Age: (13 or Younger) Fear: Motivation: Flaws: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight +1 +1 Cool Under Pressure Easygoing Gross Heroic Intuitive Loyal Lucky Prepared Protective Quick Healing Skilled At: Tough Treasure Hunter Unassuming Wealthy You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

28. ADULT Name: Age: (20+) Fear: Motivation: Flaws: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight +1 +1 Cool Under Pressure Easygoing Gross Heroic Intuitive Loyal Lucky Prepared Protective Quick Healing Skilled At: Tough Treasure Hunter Unassuming Wealthy You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

15. Name: Age: (14-19) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Teen +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: Cool Under Pressure Intuit ive Prepared Quick Hea li ng Rebell ious To u g h Unassuming Blunt Deceit fu l Dislo yal Disobedient Glo omy Hot -temper ed Inconsider at e Obnoxious Paranoid Reckless Rude Secreti ve Lo ner Weirdo Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : Why are you happier fending for yourself? What part of the “cool” kids’ life do you wish you had - just a little bit? D10 D8 D20 D4 D12 D6 You may freely reproduce this document as needed. You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

17. Name: Age: (14-19) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Teen +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: Cool Under Pressure Intuit ive Lucky Prepared Quick Hea li ng Rebell ious Wea lth y Boastfu l Conceit ed Demanding Fli ppant Inconsider at e Petty Picky Prim Rude Self-center ed Vain Vindicti ve Pla sti c Bea uty Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : How does it feel to have others think that you’re “beautiful but terrible”? What do you sacrifi ce to remain beautiful? D6 D8 D4 D20 D10 D12 You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

20. Name: Age: (20+) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Adult +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: Prepared Quick Hea li ng To u g h Trea sure Hunter Unassuming Wea lth y Absent-minded Blunt Clumsy Dogmat ic Glo omy Inconsider at e Neurot ic Obnoxious Paranoid Rude Secreti ve Self-center ed Reclusive Eccentric Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : What drove you away from the world at large? What do you miss about being out in the world? D8 D12 D10 D4 D6 D20 You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

19. Name: Age: (14-19) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Teen +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: Cool Under Pressure Easygoing Lo yal Lucky Quick Hea li ng Rebell ious Wea lth y Conceit ed Cowardly Deceit fu l Demanding Dislo yal Fli ppant Pat ronizi ng Petty Picky Prim Self-center ed Vain Popula r Kid Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : Beyond people wanting to impress you and the social capital that brings, what do you like about being popular? How do you treat the unpopular kids? D6 D10 D8 D20 D4 D12 You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

21. Name: Age: (13 or younger) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Kid +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: COOL UNDER PRESSURE Intuit ive Lucky PREPARED QUICK HEALING Rebell ious TREASURE HUNTER ABSENT MINDED Blunt Boastfu l Conceit ed Dogmat ic Inconsider at e, Pat ronizi ng Restless Slo venly Super sti ti ous Vain Vindicti ve SCOUT Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : Who fi rst got you into Scouting (or more generally, the great outdoors)? What do you have to give up to spend as much time in nature as you do? D8 D20 D12 D10 D6 D4 You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

22. Name: Age: (14-19) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Teen +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: COOL UNDER PRESSURE Intuit ive Lucky PREPARED QUICK HEALING Rebell ious TREASURE HUNTER ABSENT MINDED Blunt Boastfu l Conceit ed Dogmat ic Inconsider at e, Pat ronizi ng Restless Slo venly Super sti ti ous Vain Vindicti ve SCOUT Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : Who fi rst got you into Scouting (or more generally, the great outdoors)? What do you have to give up to spend as much time in nature as you do? D8 D20 D12 D10 D6 D4 You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

23. Name: Age: (20+) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Adult +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: Cool Under Pressure Easygoing Her oic Lucky Prepared Quick Hea li ng Clumsy Conceit ed Dogmat ic Fli ppant Glo omy Greedy Pat ronizi ng Petty Resentfu l Rude Secreti ve Vindicti ve Sto ic Professional Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : To what extent do you enjoy the work you do? What would you rather be doing? D8 D12 D20 D10 D4 D6 You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

25. Name: Age: (14-19) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Teen +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: Easygoing Prot ecti ve Quick Hea li ng Rebell ious To u g h Trea sure Hunter Unassuming Deceit fu l Dogmat ic Greedy Hot -temper ed Ignorant Insecure Irrat ional Prejudiced Resentfu l Restless Self-pit ying Super sti ti ous Young Provider Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : How has working to support your family improved you as a person? What have you had to give up for your family? D12 D8 D20 D10 D6 D4 You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

16. Name: Age: (20+) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Adult +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: Her oic Lo yal Prepared Quick Hea li ng To u g h Wea lth y Demanding Dogmat ic Glo omy Insecure Irrat ional Neurot ic Paranoid Pat ronizi ng Prim Self-pit ying Super sti ti ous Vain Over prot ecti ve Parent Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : When do you feel appreciated by your kid/kids? What would losing your child/children mean to you? D10 D12 D4 D8 D20 D6 You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

14. Name: Age: (13 or younger) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Kid +1 +1 Choose Two Lo ner Weirdo Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : Why are you happier fending for yourself? What part of the “cool” kids’ life do you wish you had - just a little bit? D10 D8 D20 D4 D12 D6 Skill ed At: Cool Under Pressure Intuit ive Quick Hea li ng Prepared To u g h Unassuming Blunt Deceit fu l Dislo yal Disobedient Glo omy Hot -temper ed Inconsider at e Obnoxious Paranoid Reckless Rude Secreti ve You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

18. Name: Age: (13 or younger) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Kid +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: Cool Under Pressure Easygoing Lo yal Lucky Quick Hea li ng Wea lth y Conceit ed Cowardly Deceit fu l Demanding Dislo yal Fli ppant Pat ronizi ng Petty Picky Prim Self-center ed Vain Popula r Kid Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : Beyond people wanting to impress you and the social capital that brings, what do you like about being popular? How do you treat the unpopular kids? D6 D10 D8 D20 D4 D12 You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

27. Teen Name: Age: (14-19) Fear: Hobby: Flaws: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight +1 +1 Cool Under Pressure Easygoing Gross Heroic Intuitive Loyal Lucky Prepared Protective Quick Healing Rebellious Skilled At: Tough Treasure Hunter Unassuming Wealthy You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

7. Name: Age: (14-19) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Teen +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: Gross Lucky Prepared Quick Hea li ng Rebell ious To u g h Wea lth y Demanding Disobedient Envious Hot -temper ed Ignorant Inconsider at e Insecure Irrat ional Obnoxious Per ver se Petty Vindicti ve Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : What motivates your bullying? How do you feel when you hurt others? Bull y D12 D6 D8 D4 D20 D10 You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

11. Name: Age: (14-19) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Teen +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: Easygoing Gross Her oic Prot ecti ve Quick Hea li ng Rebell ious Trea sure Hunter Absent-minded Boastfu l Clumsy Fli ppant Neurot ic Obnoxious Per ver se Picky Reckless Restless Slo venly Super sti ti ous Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : What do you do that always lightens your friends’ moods? When does being in the “sidekick” role frus- trate you? Funny Sidekick D12 D8 D6 D20 D4 D10 You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

12. Name: Age: (14-19) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Teen +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: Cool Under Pressure Easygoing Quick Hea li ng Rebell ious Trea sure Hunter Unassuming Wea lth y Absent-minded Blunt Clumsy Cowardly Dislo yal Disobedient Fli ppant Ignorant Irrat ional Reckless Secreti ve Slo venly Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : What do you think of people who try much harder than you do? What are you willing to go the extra mile for? La id-back-Sla cker D6 D10 D8 D12 D4 D20 You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

6. Name: Age: (13 or younger) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Kid +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: Gross Lucky Prepared Quick Hea li ng To u g h Wea lth y Demanding Disobedient Envious Hot -temper ed Ignorant Inconsider at e Insecure Irrat ional Obnoxious Per ver se Petty Vindicti ve Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : What motivates your bullying? How do you feel when you hurt others? Bull y D12 D6 D8 D4 D20 D10 You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

10. Name: Age: (13 or younger) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Kid +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: Easygoing Gross Her oic Prot ecti ve Quick Hea li ng Trea sure Hunter Absent-minded Boastfu l Clumsy Fli ppant Neurot ic Obnoxious Per ver se Picky Reckless Restless Slo venly Super sti ti ous Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : What do you do that always lightens your friends’ moods? When does being in the “sidekick” role frus- trate you? Funny Sidekick D12 D8 D6 D20 D4 D10 You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

5. Name: Age: (14-19) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Teen +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: Gross Her oic Lo yal Prot ecti ve QUICK HEALING REBELLIOUS To u g h Boastfu l Hot -temper ed Ignorant Inconsider at e Per ver se Petty Prejudiced Reckless Restless Rude Self-center ed Vindicti ve Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : Why do you get satisfaction from being good at sports? What does your involvement with sports keep you from doing that you wish you could do? Bruti sh Jock D20 D4 D10 D6 D12 D8 You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

9. Name: Age: (20+) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Adult +1 +1 Choose Two Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : What do you think is happening in the town that no one knows about? How far will you go to prove that you’re right? Conspiracy Th eorist Skill ed At: Her oic Intuit ive Prepared Quick Hea li ng Trea sure Hunter Unassuming Blunt Deceit fu l Demanding Inconsider at e Irrat ional Neurot ic Paranoid Prejudiced Restless Secreti ve Super sti ti ous Ta ctless D4 D20 D8 D6 D12 D10 You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

24. Name: Age: (14-19) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Teen +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: Intuit ive Lo yal Prepared Prot ecti ve Quick Hea li ng Rebell ious Unassuming Cowardly Deceit fu l Dislo yal Envious Glo omy Insecure Paranoid Petty Resentfu l Secreti ve Self-pit ying Vain D6 D12 D8 D10 D4 D20 Wannabe Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : What would it mean to be one of the popular kids? What would you sacrifi ce to be one of the cool kids? You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

8. Name: Age: (14-19) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Teen +1 +1 Choose Two Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : What do you think is happening in the town that no one knows about? How far will you go to prove that you’re right? Conspiracy Th eorist D4 D20 D8 D6 D12 D10 Skill ed At: Her oic Intuit ive Prepared Quick Hea li ng Rebell ious Trea sure Hunter Unassuming Blunt Deceit fu l Demanding Inconsider at e Irrat ional Neurot ic Paranoid Prejudiced Restless Secreti ve Super sti ti ous Ta ctless You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

3. Name: Age: (13 or younger) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Kid +1 +1 Choose Two Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : Why do you get satisfaction from being good at math (or your other area of expertise)? How does your social isolation manifest itself? Brill iant Mat hlete D4 D20 D10 D8 D6 D12 Skill ed At: Gross Intuit ive Lo yal Prepared Quick Hea li ng Wea lth y Absent-minded Clumsy Conceit ed Cowardly Insecure Neurot ic Obnoxious Pat ronizi ng Resentfu l Rude Self-Pit ying Slo venly You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

4. Name: Age: (14-19) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Teen +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: Gross Intuit ive Lo yal Prepared QUICK HEALING REBELLIOUS Wea lth y Absent-minded Clumsy Conceit ed Cowardly Insecure Neurot ic Obnoxious Pat ronizi ng Resentfu l Rude Self-Pit ying Slo venly D4 D20 D10 D8 D6 D12 Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : Why do you get satisfaction from being good at math (or your other area of expertise)? How does your social isolation manifest itself? Brill iant Mat hlete You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

2. Name: Age: (20+) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Adult +1 +1 Choose Two Skill ed At: Cool Under Pressure Lucky Prepared Quick Hea li ng To u g h Trea sure Hunter Blunt Boastfu l Dislo yal Disobedient Dogmat ic Envious Greedy Ignorant Prejudiced Reckless Slo venly Super sti ti ous Blue-Colla r Worker D20 D6 D10 D8 D12 D4 Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : To what extent do you enjoy the work you do? What would it mean for you if you lost your job? You may freely reproduce this document as needed.

13. Name: Age: (20+) Fear: Motivation: Description: Fight Brains Charm Grit Brawn Flight Adult +1 +1 La id-back Sla cker Choose Two Absent-minded Blunt Clumsy Cowardly Dislo yal Disobedient Fli ppant Ignorant Irrat ional Reckless Secreti ve Slo venly D6 D10 D8 D12 D4 D20 Questi ons to ask yourself when making your character : What do you think of people who try much harder than you do? What are you willing to go the extra mile for? Skill ed At: Cool Under Pressure Easygoing Quick Hea ll ing Trea sure Hunter Unassuming Wea lth y You may freely reproduce this document as needed.


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