TOR - Extra Pregens (Blood on the Snow)

Public Channel / RPG Character Sheet

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1. - r anger of the n or th - F a R eth Long have you hidden in the shadows and the wild realms near Imladris. You have walked in the dark tombs of the Barrow Downs and stood atop the great watchtower of Amon Sûl. Ever vigilant, you have guarded the world of Men from dark and wicked things, even though all you earned is a scornful name. Yet in spite of your efforts and that of your kin, the servants of the Enemy grow bolder with each passing season and the time has come for you to wander alone no longer. Your blade shall shine like that of Elendil the Tall and your voice shall ring out like that of Elros the Halfelven. Others may doubt that the blood of Númenor that runs in your veins has still in it the strength to face the Enemy, but that is what you will do – and they will wail at your coming.

3. - h igh e lf of r ivendell - c i R maca R You have dwelt in Imladris since its founding, leaving only once in your long years when Gil-galad called all banners to him and the Last Alliance of Elves and Men stormed the Black Land of Mordor. Those dark times rarely leave your thoughts, even in a place so fair as the hidden valley of Rivendell. You will not suffer to see the world plunged into such darkness again. With the permission of Lord Elrond you have set forth upon the wild, to learn more of the designs of the Shadow and to do what’s in your strength to resist them, so that none of the Free Folk of Middle-earth will have to endure such terrors again.

4. Name: Cir macar Culture: High Elf of Rivendell Standard of Living: Prosperous Cultural Blessing: Against the Unseen (automatically succeeds at Fear tests from undead) Calling: Scholar Shadow weakness Lure of Secrets - T RAITS - Specialities: Enemy of Sauron, Rhymes of Lore, Smith-craft Distinctive Features: Proud, Wrathful - ATTRIBUTES - - COMMON SKILLS - Awe   Inspire  Persuade  Athletics   Travel   Stealth  Awareness   Insight  Search   Explore   Healing   Hunting  Song   Courtesy   Riddle  Craft   Battle   Lore   - W EAPON S KILLS - Great bow   (Swords)   Spear   Dagger   ________  ________  Body Heart Wits Endurance Ho pe Fatigue Shadow Weary Miserable Wounded Armour Parry Damage Head gear Shield Ranged Experience Valour Wisdom - SKILL GROUPS - personality  movement  perception  survival  custom  vocation  favoured favoured favoured TM 1 2 5 8 4 6 8 9 5 8 1d 29 11 Rating Rating Total headgear: enc shield: enc Leather shirt 4 - VIRTUES - Skill of the Eldar (a roll of A yields a superior quality of success) ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ _________________ damage 5 (1h)/7 (2h) edge 10 injury 16 (1h)/18 (2h) enc 3 _________________ damage 7 edge 10 injury 16 enc 3 _________________ damage 3 edge A injury 12 enc 0 - REWARDS - ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ - GEAR - 10 weapon weapon weapon Long sword Great bow Dagger armour: enc

2. Name: Fareth Culture: Rangers of the Nor th Standard of Living: Mar tial Cultural Blessing: Foresight of their Kindred (can activate the Foresighted Trait once per Adventur ing phase) Calling: Warden Shadow weakness Lure of Power - T RAITS - Specialities: Lore of Ar nor, Shadow-lore, Smoking Distinctive Features: Fierce, Lordly, (Foresighted) - ATTRIBUTES - - COMMON SKILLS - Awe  Inspire   Persuade   Athletics   Travel   Stealth   Awareness   Insight   Search   Explore   Healing   Hunting   Song   Courtesy   Riddle  Craft  Battle   Lore   - W EAPON S KILLS - Long sword   (Bows)   Spear   Dagger   ________  ________  Body Heart Wits Endurance Ho pe Fatigue Shadow Weary Miserable Wounded Armour Parry Damage Experience Valour Wisdom - SKILL GROUPS - personality  movement  perception  survival  custom  vocation  favoured favoured favoured TM 2 1 7 9 5 8 5 6 7 5 2d 28 13 Rating Rating Total armour: enc headgear: enc shield: enc - REWARDS - ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Keen long sword Leather corslet 8 - VIRTUES - ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ _________________ damage 5 (1h)/7 (2h) edge 9 injury 16 (1h)/18 (2h) enc 3 _________________ damage 5 edge 10 injury 14 enc 1 _________________ damage 3 edge A injury 12 enc 0 Keen long sword Bow Dagger - GEAR - 12 weapon weapon weapon Head gear Shield Ranged


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