NTYE Character Sheets-Self Print-2016-03-09

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3. Tough fun Fast Smart Awesome Stuff Coins Knack character Armor Hustle companion Pools is a . is a . ©2016 Monte Cook Games, LLC. No Thank You, Evil! and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the United States and other countries. Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.

4. Pools Tough fun treats Fast Smart Awesome Stuff Knack character Armor Hustle cypher companion is a . is a . Coins ©2016 Monte Cook Games, LLC. No Thank You, Evil! and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the United States and other countries. Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.

5. Pools Tough fun treats Fast Smart Awesome Stuff Knack and Talent character Armor Hustle Cypher companion is a . is a . who Coins ©2016 Monte Cook Games, LLC. No Thank You, Evil! and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the United States and other countries. Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.

2. General Reminders You can use tokens to keep track of points or write the numbers in. You can use the character and companion decks rather than draw them in. You can use the cypher deck instead of writing cyphers in. Pools Tough fun treats Fast Smart Awesome Stuff Knack and Talent character Armor Hustle Cypher companion is a . is a . who Coins ©2016 Monte Cook Games, LLC. No Thank You, Evil! and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the United States and other countries. Permission granted to duplicate for personal use. 1. Fill in your character’s name 2. Fill in your Noun 3. Add your To u g h , Fast , Smart , and Awesome points 4. Add your Fun points 5. Add your stuff 6. Add any coins you have 7. Check Armor or Hustle 8. Write down your Knack 9. Fill in your companion’s name 10. Fill in your companion’s type 11. Draw your character and companion! 12 . Fill in your Adjective 13. Add any additional points to your pools from your Adjective 14. Add your companion’s Treats 15. Fill in your companion’s starting cypher 16. Fill in your Verb 17. Write down your Talent If you have a or sheet: If you have a sheet: FILLING IN YOUR CHARACTER SHEET 2 12 16 3 13 4 5 6 7 8 17 9 10 14 15 11 11 1


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