Fellowship Focus Rules from The One Ring Role-Playing Game (TOR RPG) adapted to Adventures in Middle-earth (AiMe) Version 20170604c

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Mae Govannen! One of the (many) great features of Cubicle 7's The One Ring Role-Playing Game (TOR RPG), are the Fellowship Focus rules. Unfortunately, the authors of the D&D / d20 5th edition adaptation, Adventures in Middle-earth, for some reason opted to leave those wonderful group-bond enhanving mechanics out of AiMe.

If you would like to include Fellowship Focus in AiMe with a minimum of changes to the 5e ruleset, without having to add the Hope points system from TOR and overhaul the Inspiration rules, you can try these rules we have proposed been game testing in our community program around the world.

We welcome your feedback!

-Hawke Robinson

(yes, we know we’re mixing Sindarin & Quenya :-) ).

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3. 2. AS A SOURCE OF INSPIRATION Successfully keeping their Fellowship focus safe might inspire a character so much that it lets them recover spent Inspiration: If a player spends an Inspiration point to gain Advantage to accomplish an action that can be considered to directly protect or favour their Fellowship focus and succeeds, that character immediately recovers the Inspiration point just spent. In addition the player may spend an Inspiration point on their Fellowship focus to directly grant Advantage, or combat their Miserable condition, as if their Fellowship Focus had spent their own. Note: Inspiration points in this context can not be spent to trigger another player’s special abilities.

1. Fellowship Focus from The One Ring RPG Adapted to Adventures in Middle-earth Revision: 20170604c by Hawke Robinson & John Welker RPG.LLC www.rpg.llc RPG Publishers www.rpgpublishers.com RPG Research www.rpgresearch.com Spokane Area Gaming Alliance http://www.spokanerpg.com/saga Spokane Role-Playing Gaming http://www.spokanerpg.com

2. OVERVIEW Mae Govannen! One of the (many) great features of Cubicle 7's The One Ring Role-Playing Game (TOR RPG), are the Fellowship Focus rules. Unfortunately, the authors of the D&D / d20 5 th edition adaptation, Adventures in Middle-earth, for some reason opted to leave those wonderful group-bond enhanving mechanics out of AiMe. If you would like to include Fellowship Focus in AiMe with a minimum of changes to the 5e ruleset, without having to add the Hope points system from TOR and overhaul the Inspiration rules, you can try these rules we have proposed been game testing in our community program around the world. We welcome your feedback! Namarie! -Hawke Robinson (yes, we know we’re mixing Sindarin & Quenya :-) ). FELLOWSHIP FOCUS The Fellowship Focus rules (FF) represent the strong ties between “adventurers in arms”, close kinsfolk and compatriots. FF has two effects in game play: 1. As sources of Hope. 2. As sources of Inspiration. 1. AS A SOURCE OF HOPE The presence of a Fellowship Focus affects the way a character recovers Hope. A player-hero may attempt to remove 1 Shadow point at the end of a session if their Fellowship focus did not become Wounded, Poisoned, Miserable, or harmed in any other way the Loremaster considers serious (such as imprisoned by Orcs) during play, and is in the same location as them. A Player-hero wishing to remove their corruption must make a DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) ability check. If successful, they remove 1 Shadow Point. If their ability check results in a total of 25 or more, they remove 2 Shadow points (extraordinary success). Permanent Shadow Points gained when suffering from a bout of madness can never be healed. A character gains 1 point of Shadow at the end of the session if their Fellowship focus was Wounded, or 3 points if their focus was killed.


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