Role Playing Game Research Journal (RPG Journal)

There is a dearth of resources on role-playing game research or "RPG Research".

The International Journal of Role-playing is an excellent open journal we can highly recommend.

And then.... not much else. (We will add to this list as we find other resources, if you would like to have your resource added, please Contact Us).

The RPG Research Journal is initially just meant to be a means to compile the non-profit 501(c)3's efforts into a more organized journal format that some people prefer over our more scattered online dynamic open environment.

We hope over time other contributors will participate in the review and publishing process, to increase the diversity of resources provided by the journal.

The RPG Journal will accept submissions for any role-playing game format, though if there is a conflict in space/timing between formats, preference will be given to tabletop formats. We will still gladly publish any other formats, it is just that there is currently such a dearth of coverage in the tabletop area, that is why, for now at least, we'll prioritize. Again, we will gladly accept submissions for any RPG format, including tabletop, live-action, electronic, and hybrids. See the basic diagram at the Hawkes-Robinson RPG Model RPG Formats page, or a more comprehensive and up to date diagram here, for an idea of what is considered "covered" as an RPG and what is not. If it is outside of the fuzzy RPG boundaries, then it will not be covered in this journal (unless to compare and contrast to one or more RPG formats).

As with all of our content, we always strive to share information free and open. The RPG Research Journal is a free and open journal. Initially mostly including our own status updates, breakthroughs, milestones, amalgamation of blog postings and our own research updates. But we welcome over time submissions from others outside of the RPG Research volunteer international community staff. 

All of the content within the journal has undergone various levels of internal peer review. We hope over time to expand it to a more "blind peer review" process when our resources permit, but for now it is a more supportive community peer review approach. This includes all internal and external submissions to the journal.

We will start with a quarterly release cycle. Over time, as our processes are refined, and our staffing and resources continue to grow, we would like to make this a monthly release cycle. From my previous experience running other publications this could take a number of years to achieve, but know that it is a goal we strive towards. However, we are using release dates as a guideline, and not solid release dates. We are all unpaid volunteers with busy lives and so we take more of a results-oriented approach rather than arbitrary time deadlines. We don't want to release an issue if it isn't actually ready. If the release time has to slip a few days, weeks, or even months so that it is actually ready, to accommodate the schedules of our volunteers, that is what we will do.

I am assembling the first editorial team for our first issue. Expect updates to this page and/or our Blog page as we start to organize this into reality.

Stay Tuned!

-Hawke Robinson,

President and Founder.

How You Can Help: Join the Journal Team!


  • Senior and Junior Editors and proof readers, including copy editing, proof reading, formatting standards, (we are using APA standards), 

  • Layout and Design

  • Artists

  • Peer Reviewers (by department: Research, events, blog/community, external news, internal news, accessibility, etc.)

  • Content contributors (we will start initially just grooming through our existing website content for the first issues, and then as we get new, original, submissions, we will increasingly integrate the new content into the journal).

  • External New Content Submission reviewers.

  • Other roles as appropriate

Email journal at if interested in joining or contributing.


Outline Proposals/Discussion

Default Table of Contents

Default ToC and content we would like to see with every/most issues:

Letter(s) From the Editor(s)

Introduction/Overview of this Issue

News From Afar (News of note not from RPG Research)

News Highlights from RPG Research, including RPG Research Community Updates, numbers, etc.

Select Blog Postings

Research Department's Blog Postings and Research Essays

Research and Other Papers from External Contributors

Events Department

Legal Disclaimers

Print on Demand Options beyond default free PDF download options

Editorial / Comments from Readers

How to Submit Your Paper

Any other ideas?

Licensing: Community Commons

As I did with Other Minds Magazine (OM), I would like this to be released under one of the Creative Commons Open Source licenses, if we are able to do so in a way that doesn't not prohibit encouraging researches to submit their content to this journal. We want to choose an option that allows them to do with their essays what they wish at other publishing outlets. So we will need to choose the correct Creative Commons license options for maximum consideration of others for flexibility.

Artwork / Photos Resources

We can start with our existing, albeit limited, pool of related photos and commissioned artwork. But over time we are going to want to find or have created more theme targeted visual arts. We will want to try to find high quality submissions from artists that are willing to contribute freely, as we have at OM.

Layout / Design

Hawke here: Layout is not my strongest area. I would definitely prefer someone else take this over as well. I'll give the initial issue a shot, but my hope is that as we gain momentum, the artists on staff will be interested in stepping up to take over.

Peer Review Process

We will use our existing internal peer review process from our Researcher's Department initially. Over time I would like to increase the rigor and implement blind peer reviews to a wide base. But it is better to start with what we already have and get this rolling, than hold it potentially forever waiting for an indefinite time for the more Utopian ideal. This has been the main reason I have delayed it for so many years because I wanted a really rigorous process, but it is better we are sharing something, with as much peer review as we can, than nothing at all. Know though, what the long term goal is though.