What Does RPG Research Do?

Write one or two paragraphs describing your product, services or a specific feature.
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  • We provide the world's largest free and open research repositories on the effects of all role-playing game (RPG) formats, including tabletop, live-action, electronic, and hybrids.

  • We are building the world's most comprehensive role-playing game museum, covering all RPG formats, and providing interactive learning through in-person and online experiences. YOU CAN HELP FUND ADDITIONAL FACILITIES

  • As part of our Vision and Mission, we provide in-person and online community programs and global events that have a real impact, using role-playing games that help improve the quality of life for participants, for ages 2 years old, through senior adults, and everyone in between.

  • RPG Research helps individuals, groups, organizations, schools, libraries, community centers, recreational organizations, detention facilities, mental health and transition facilities, and others to to provide programs directly, or train others to provide effective approaches for research and evidence-in-practice supported cooperative music and role-playing game programs that improve function and quality of life for diverse populations.

  • We provide adaptive services and advocacy for people with disabilities, neurodifferences, and other accessibility considerations, through adapted cooperative music and role-playing game programs.

  • We globally research the effects of all role-playing game formats for their potential to measurably  improve function and quality of life for diverse populations.

  • We provide services to under-served and un-served individuals and groups with the mobile wheelchair accessible facilities through our founder's RPG Mobile Fleet.

  • We provide the world's most comprehensive RPG training for free, to those willing to volunteer to help with our programs and research.

  • We are 100% unpaid volunteers using cooperative music and role-playing games to help improve the function and quality of life for people and organizations around the world.