Drop In & RPG: Gold in the Hills

01/16/2021 12:00 to 01/16/2021 14:45 (PST8PDT)

Odoo • Image and Text

Basic Fantasy RPG (BFRPG) (d20)

Game Type: Online Tabletop Role-Playing Game

Game Tier: 2

Session Duration: 5 hours

Overall Duration: 1-shot adventure.

Game System: Basic Fantasy RPG (BFRPG)

Player Character Level(s): First / Beginner / Intro

Password: create

Adventure: Gold in the Hills

"Gold in the Hills" by Ray Allen. Gold nuggets have been appearing in the hands of a local goblin tribe, the Black Fangs.  It is known that they lair in one of the old dwarven mines... has a new vein been found?

A first level introductory adventure.

Odoo • Text and Image

Participating is as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4, GO!

Join the adventure!

1. Register For This Event

Close to the top hit Register Now.

2. Download & Print Character Sheet

If you are joining this game for the first time you will need to download either a blank or pre-generated Player Character (PC) sheet.

3. Obtain Rulebook

If you do not already have a copy of the full rule book, here is a link to the basic version of the rules to either legally download, or else purchase online. YOU DON'T HAVE TO OWN A COPY OF THE RULEBOOK, WE CAN LOOK THINGS UP FOR YOU IN OUR OWN BOOKS, but we are provided this link in case you are interested.

4. Read & Agree To Gamer Code of Conduct

BY PROCEEDING TO JOIN OUR EVENT YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT.Read our Gamer Code of Conduct. It is critically important you read these rules. If you join the game you are agreeing to all the terms in our code of conduct, including being bound by the rules therein. Do not join the game until you have read these rules and agree to them.


At the appointed game session time,
<-- click this spinning button to join.
 Password = game
Have Fun!


From 01/16/2021 12:00
To 01/16/2021 14:45


Danielle Whitworth
+1 509-307-7599

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